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TrMsg Privacy Notice

privacy policy

has built our global privacy program based on our Binding Corporate Rules (BCRs), which serve as our code of conduct that governs our global processing of personal data. No matter where you are in the world, where you reside, where your citizenship lies, or where your data comes from, we offer the same high standards of privacy protection to all our customers. More specifically, “No Shenanigans” is one of our company values, and we intend to exemplify that with our Privacy Notice, which we hope will provide clear, detailed, and easy-to-read information about TrMsg privacy practices and how we process personal information.

In addition, we provide in-time and in-context information about how you can control the data you collect and retain in our API documentation. Because we offer many different products — and our customers can configure them in many different ways — we provide privacy-specific information in our documentation to enable our customers to make choices when using our products. Please check the documentation for the product you’re using to learn more about the data elements it collects and how you can make decisions about that information.


Data about our customers

In short, TrMsg requires the minimal amount of data necessary to provide services to you, and the amount or type of data we collect depends on the product or service you choose or how you use it. If you choose to share additional information with us so that we can better customize your account and our services, we’ll process that with the same care and respect. We do not sell your personal information and we do not share your information with third parties for those third parties’ own business interests. This Privacy Notice describes the data we collect from our customers at a high level, but you can always learn more by reading our API documentation.

We use the information we collect and share it with our service providers primarily to provide the services you’ve requested from us, and as needed for our operational purposes (e.g., to do the things we need to do to function as a business, such as to collect payment). In addition, we may use data about our customers to detect, prevent, or investigate security incidents, fraud, or abuse and misuse of our platform and services.

Data we process during account creation and account usage
When you sign up for an account with us, we ask for certain information like your contact details and billing information to facilitate payment and communication. We also collect some information automatically, like your IP address, when you log in to your account or when your software application built on Trmsg makes requests to our APIs. We use this to understand who is using our services and how, and to detect, prevent and investigate fraud, abuse, or security incidents.

Information You Share Directly:
Name and contact information. When you sign up for a Trmsg, SendGrid, or Segment account with us, we will ask you to give us your name, email address, and optionally, your company name, and to create a password. You can also name your account (or accounts, if you have more than one). We collect this information so we know who you are — this helps us communicate with you about your account(s), recognize you when you communicate with us through the account portal or otherwise, bill you correctly, and provide other services.

Telephone number. When you first sign up for an account, we may also ask you for a telephone number (where it’s relevant to the service you’re using) so we can communicate a verification code to that telephone number and have you enter the code into our website. This helps us verify that you’re actually a human being. A Trmsg team member may also contact you at this number to help you with onboarding unless you choose not to be contacted.

When you set up two-factor authentication for your account, we may ask you to enter a telephone number to set up the process. You have the option to use that telephone number as the method for us to communicate verification codes to you to verify that it is you logging into your account. You can alternatively use the Authy App or other similar authenticator application for verification codes. We don’t use this two-factor authentication phone number for purposes other than providing verification codes; however, if you’ve given us your phone number in another context, such as in connection with your Trmsg, we may contact you that way.

Payment information. When you upgrade your trial account, we’ll ask you to provide our payment processor with your payment method information like a credit card or your Paypal account and your billing address. Our payment processor, acting on our behalf, gathers this so we can bill you for your use of our products and services. Our payment processor will share your billing address with Trmsg. We’ll also use your billing address for tax calculation and audit purposes.

Subscriber records. For some products, we may also obtain proof of identity from you that includes a proof of address, name, physical address, or other identification information. For example, to use our Trust Hub or to obtain a phone number in certain countries, local law may require us to have a physical service address on file for the individual who will be using that Trmsg number, whether that’s you or your end user. We may also need proof of identity and physical service address. We call these “subscriber records.”

We may have to share subscriber records with local government authorities or with the local telecommunications carrier that provides connectivity services. We may also use this physical service address for tax purposes. However, we don’t share subscriber records for purposes other than this, and we treat these records with our highest confidentiality.

Personalization details. Some of our products, such as our short code service, may require you to complete an application form by providing details about your company and your intended use of the product. We’ll use this information for the purpose of determining eligibility for these products. We may also use it in connection with improving our own internal processes and services or to train our team members.

Information We Generate or Collect Automatically:
SIDs. When you sign up for an account with Trmsg, we’ll automatically assign you and each of your accounts a unique ID — a SID — and we’ll automatically generate an API token for each of your accounts. These are used like a username and password to make API requests. Instead of using these API tokens, you canprovision API Keys and use your API key for authentication when making requests to our APIs. We keep a record of these credentials so we know it is you making the requests when your application makes requests to our API using these credentials.

Device information and IP addresses. When you use our account portal, we collect your IP address and other data through tracking technologies like cookies, web beacons, and similar technologies. We also collect IP addresses when you make requests to our APIs and in our server logs. We use this information to understand how customers are using our platform, who those customers are (if they are a company and the IP address is associated with that company), what country they are logging in from (for analytics and export control purposes), and to help improve the navigation experience. You can learn more about cookies in the section titled “Cookies and Tracking Technologies” below.

When you use our account portal, we also collect information about your device, such as your computer or mobile device operating system type and version number, manufacturer and model, browser type, screen resolution, unique identifiers, and general location information such as city or town. We do not collect precise geographical information.

Data we process from our website, events, and interactions
When you visit our website, sign up for a Trmsg event or request more information about Trmsg, we collect information automatically using tracking technologies, like cookies, and through web forms where you type in your information. We collect this information to provide you with what you request through the web form, to learn more about who is interested in our products and services, and to improve navigation experience on our pages. You can learn more about cookies in the section titled “Cookies and Tracking Technologies” below.

Information You Share Directly:
In some places on Trmsg public-facing websites, you can fill out web forms to ask to be contacted by our Sales Team, sign up for a newsletter, register for a Trmsg event, or take a survey. The specific personal information requested on these forms will vary based on the purpose of the form. We will ask you for information necessary for us to provide you with what you request through the form (for example, we will ask you for your email address if you want to sign up for an email newsletter and for your phone number if you want a member of our Sales Team to call you). We may also ask you for additional information to help us understand you better as a customer, such as your Trmsg use case, your company name, or your role at your company. If you sign up to receive ongoing marketing communications from Trmsg, like a newsletter, you can always choose to opt out of further communications through a preferences page which will be linked from any marketing email you receive from Trmsg. You can also contact our Customer Support Team to communicate your choice to opt out.

If you contact our Sales or Customer Support Teams, those teams keep a record of that communication, including your contact details and other information you share during the course of the communication. We store this information to help us keep track of the inquiries we receive from you and from customers generally so we can improve our products and services and provide training to team members. This information also helps our teams manage our ongoing relationships with our customers. Because we store a record of these communications, please be thoughtful about what information you share with our Sales and Customer Support Teams. While we will take appropriate measures to protect any sensitive information you share with us, it is best to avoid sharing any personal or other sensitive information in these communications not necessary for these teams to assist you.

Information We Collect Automatically:
When you visit Trmsg websites, including our web forms, we and our service providers acting on our behalf automatically collect certain information using tracking technologies like cookies, web beacons, and similar technologies. We use this information to understand how visitors to our websites are using them and which pages and features of the websites are most popular. This helps us understand how we can improve our websites and track performance of our advertisements. In addition, we use tracking technologies to help improve the navigation experience on Trmsg websites. We don’t sell this information to third parties. For more details on our use of cookies and other tracking technologies, please read the below section titled “Cookies and Tracking Technologies.”

Marketing information
We use your email address to send you information about other Trmsg products, services or events in which we think you may be interested. You can opt out of receiving marketing communications from us at any time through your marketing preferences page by clicking the “unsubscribe” link at the bottom of any marketing email you receive from Trmsg. You can also contact our Customer Support Team to communicate your choice to opt out. Please note that it may take up to three days to remove your contact information from our marketing communications lists, so you may receive correspondence from us for a short time after you make your request. You will not be able to opt out of service emails from us, such as password reset emails, billing emails, or notifications of updates to our terms, unless you deactivate your account.

We may also use publicly-available information about you that we have gathered through services like LinkedIn, or we may obtain information about you or your company from third party providers. We use this information to help us understand our customer base better, such as your industry, the size of your company, and your company’s website URL. We also use this information to reach out to potential candidates for roles at Trmsg.

When you visit a Trmsg website, we process your information to market our services to you on other websites. You are able to opt out of targeted advertisements by using the cookie consent management tool, TrustArc. To learn more about how we process this information and how to make choices about what is collected, please see the “Cookies and Tracking Technologies” Section below.

How Long We Store Your Customer Account Data
Trmsg will store your Customer Account Data as long as needed to provide you with our services and to operate our business. If you ask Trmsg to delete specific personal information from your Customer Account Data (see ‘Choices About Your Customer Account Data’ below), we will honor this request unless deleting that information prevents us from carrying out necessary business functions, such as billing for our services, calculating taxes, or conducting required audits.

More specifically, within 60 days following closure of your account, we will either delete other Customer Account Data or transform it such that it can no longer be used to identify you, with the following exceptions, depending on and in accordance with applicable law:

Customer Account Data is stored for up to seven years following closure of your account. However, we may retain invoice records, including their digital equivalent, for longer periods for accounting, tax, and audit purposes.
Where we collect subscriber records, we will retain this data for such time as needed for legal, security and anti-fraud purposes.
We may retain your communications with Trmsg Customer Support Teams for up to three years after your account is closed.
We may need to retain data due to special circumstances (such as due to an open investigation, audit, or other legal matter).
Please read our support page on data retention for more detailed information about our retention and deletion practices.

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Data about our customers’ end users
What Customer Usage Data and Customer Content Trmsg Processes and Why
We use Customer Usage Data and Customer Content to provide services to you and to carry out necessary functions of our business as a communications service provider. We do not sell your end users’ personal information and we do not share your end users’ information with third parties for those third parties’ own business interests.

The particular end user personal information Trmsg processes when you, our customer, use our products and services, and the reasons Trmsg processes end user personal information, depends on how you use our products and services and which Trmsg products and services you use. For that reason, our API docs for each of our products and services are the best place to find information about our processing of personal information when you use that Trmsg product and service. In many cases, you can opt to store records of your communications or other activities in your Trmsg account, and these records may include your end users’ personal information. You may also have the option to use additional features or tools within Trmsg products or services that allow you to do things such as analyze the records, including end user personal information, in your Trmsg account. In those cases, Trmsg will process this information to provide you with the service you request.

For Trmsg customers, our Data Protection Addendum describes more about how we process Customer Content in accordance with your instructions. That Data Protection Addendum is a part of your agreement with us by default.

How Long We Store Customer Usage Data and Customer Content
Details regarding how long your end user personal information may be stored on Trmsg systems will depend on which Trmsg products and services you are using and how you are using them. For that reason, our API docs for each of our products and services, along with TrMsg’sdocumentation and Segment’s documentation, are the best place to find more detailed information about managing end user data collected and stored in connection with your use of our products and services. We also provide an overview of our retention periods in our support documentation.

As a Trmsg customer, if the Trmsg product or service you use enables you to store records of your usage on Trmsg, including personal information contained within those records, and you choose to do so, then Trmsg will retain these records for as long as you instruct, up until termination of your account. In some cases, use of extended storage may cost more. If you later instruct us to delete those records (please see below for information on how to delete your records), we will do so. Please note that it may take up to 30 days for the data to be completely removed from all systems.

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